bird rate ends may 15th!


What Our Graduates Are Saying:



take a leap and change the world

This kids yoga teacher training has been a long time in the making. We have been doing the groundwork to bring all that we know and are deeply passionate about to you for years! We believe it's time to bring kids yoga to the next level as we continue through the great global change we've seen over the past years. Now is when we imagine and create a more truer, more beautiful world and this kids yoga teacher training will help you do that!

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At the heart of Appleseed is our belief that yoga and mindfulness can help our kids stay connected to their truest selves. We believe every child has the right to live rooted in their connection to themselves, others and Mother Earth, in spite of the ways disconnection continually shows up in our world.

We do all we can to help children preserve their innate connection, and teach them how to steer back to it when necessary. We are dedicated to seeing all children as our teachers and as the true brilliance in the world. We remain committed to nature AND justice for all: we humbly revere our Mother Earth, and seek to listen to and uplift those who have been oppressed above ourselves.




Graduate and become an affiliate!

Become an Appleseed Accredited Teacher by joining our Affiliate Program! Gain access to exclusive mentorship from Megan, as well as quarterly kids yoga resources and more!